

Storybook is a tool for UI development, allowing you to build and play with UI components outside of your application. This makes development in large, complex applications a lot easier and faster as you don’t need to spin up the entire application.

Storybook is already setup for the sample application, although it’s easy to setup. Look at these files and folders:

To build the storybook statically, run npm run build-storybook. However, for development, we just want to run npm run storybook.

Implement Storyshots

Following the 80/20 rule, Jest snapshots are an easy way to get coverage on your React components without much effort. @storybook/addon-storyshots turns your Storybook stories into snapshot tests, killing two birds with one stone. Now, whenever you write a story for visual testing and component authoring, you’re also writing a snapshot test!

Storyshots is already installed in the example app. We want to install it by adding the following test at client/stories/__tests__/index.js:

import initStoryshots from '@storybook/addon-storyshots'


Next, let’s setup our jest tests for the client. Install jest:

npm install --save-dev jest jest-css-modules babel-jest

Next, let’s add the following jest config file at jest.jsdom.json:

  "collectCoverageFrom": [
  "coveragePathIgnorePatterns": [
  "roots": [
  "testEnvironment": "jsdom",
  "transform": {
    "\\.css$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/jest-css-modules",
    "\\.js$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/babel-jest"
  "transformIgnorePatterns": [

You can read more about the configuration here:

Next, let’s add the test command to package.json:

"test:jsdom": "jest --config jest.jsdom.json",

Now, let’s run it!

npm run test:jsdom

You may see failing tests. We’ll fix them later, so skip them for now by “skipping” them in one of two ways:

xtest('whatever test', () => {})


test.skip('whatever test', () => {})

Scaffolding your tests as skipped steps is a great way to follow BDD and understand your problem before even starting to write code!

And, let’s add it to our CircleCI config:

- run: npm run test:jsdom

Passing Options

To get code coverage:

npm run test:jsdom -- --coverage

To update snapshots:

npm run test:jsdom -- --updateSnapshot

To run specific tests:

npm run test:jsdom -- 'client/stories/__tests__/*.js'

Implement storybook-deployer

@storybook/storybook-deployer is a simple CLI tool to deploy your Storybook to gh-pages so that it’s viewable publicly. Here’s an example Let’s install it:

npm install --save-dev @storybook/storybook-deployer

We only want to push master’s version of storybook to gh-pages - we don’t want each pull request pushing its version of storybook to gh-pages as it could be a broken version. To only run it on master, we’re going to use CircleCI 2 Workflows.

Let’s rename our current build job to test. Then create a new job called publish-storybook.

version: 2
    # ...intentional omission...
    # ...intentional omission...

publish-storybook should just publish the storybook (copy the test job, but use these steps instead):

- checkout
- run: npm install
- run: npx storybook-to-ghpages

Next, we want to make sure this only runs in production. We want to publish the storybook after test passes and only on master, so let’s create a workflow (append to the bottom of the config file):

  version: 2
  commit: # this workflow runs on every commit
      - test
      - publish-storybook:
            - test
                - master

To get this working correctly, you’ll need to give CircleCI some SSH keys. Go to your repository’s settings, click “Checkout SSH Keys”, then checkout your SSH keys for the repository:

Push and let’s see what happens!
