
React Tests

Snapshot Test

Next, we’ll add more frontend tests. First, we’ll do a snapshot test, although Storyshots already handles this. You should be able to follow Jest’s documentation.

The test is scaffolded here: client/components/SubmitShaForm/_tests_/view.js

Redux Action Dispatcher Test

Our redux store is very simple. It has a structure like so:

  "shas": [
      "input": "some input",
      "sha": "abcdabcd123123"

However, we want to do a unit test on an action dispatcher and the shas reducer (not the entire store). Let’s call the getSha() action dispatcher and assert that the latest input is appended to the redux store.

The test is scaffolded here: client/store/shas/_tests_/index.js

Notice that this action dispatcher uses an API call, but we don’t have an API setup for this test. We should look into using jest-fetch-mock!
